Frequently asked questions

What’s included in your SEO Service?


Immersive Radical Digimedia is in the Digital Marketing Services industry for more than 2 Decades and delivered hundreds of companies with Organic SEO services that gave long lasting results. We suggest you to use our SEO Audit Service before knowing about our SEO strategies. Even though there’s a lot of competition for every business, none of the two websites have the same SEO problems. So the solution and strategy for each website will be different. Right from identifying potential issues to solving them with the right strategy, we resolve the errors at every stage and improve the site performance.

Comprehensive SEO Strategy

Our Digital Marketing team does complete industry research and create strategies comprehensively based on your current rankings and SEO positioning. It includes the application of search engine optimization methods, content marketing and link building activities. Our main goal is to increase the brand awareness and higher conversions and better ROI from organic traffic.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the vital activities for any business and thus higher organic traffic depends on the keywords that we target. Our SEO team will help you to find the keywords based on Navigational, Information, Transactional and Commercial keywords, this will help you to find the best-performing keywords from your industry and apply them into the web and Blog pages of your website.

Competitor Analysis

Our research team will find the direct competitors and indirect competitors through various indicators like ranking, positioning, traffic, backlinks and authority. This data will help your website to adopt the good methods and strategies that can be anything related to UI/UX, Industry keywords, Search queries(Informational) keywords, Blog topics, Promotional Activities etc.,

Technical Audit and Page Speed Optimization

Technical Audit is the most important activity to make the website more efficient for faster loading and better user experience. Inefficient pages, Technical errors, 404 Pages, Broken Links, Image size Optimization, CSS and HTML & JAVA Script rendering issues all will be fixed and go live with high performance site.

Keyword Ranking Report

We provide detailed and transparent search ranking reports with monthly and weekly updates. The reports include the Search queries ranking changes and Top ranking keywords on the search engine first page.

Link Building

For great Domain Authority, Link building is the main activity that any website can follow. Our link building activities include internal linking from blog to web pages and vice versa, External link building, Friendly link building with other blogs and websites with Guest posts and other processes. We always focus on the quality and quantity of links with high DA and Do follow links. The monthly report contains detailed metrics on acquired links and changes in the Authority.

Content Strategy

Content strategy for your website blog will be developed based on the current industry trends, understanding your audience’s needs. This will help us to create informative and interesting content that can get more engagements like sharing on social media and comments and backlinks to your content. Good content not only attracts traffic but keeps the audience on your website.


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