Frequently asked questions

What SEO Tools do you use?

what seo tools do you use

There are tons of Free and Paid SEO tools available in the market. In fact every week there’s new tools coming in the market. Some of them are solely for tracking a single insight of your website SEO and some of them are made to track everything in SEO, SEM, and SMM. 

Some of the free tools are mostly junk and they don’t serve any particular purpose using them. As a renowned Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, Immersive Radical Digimedia is very particular about SEO insights which are being delivered to clients on a weekly and monthly basis. We use the top SEO tools to make the client reports accurate and to keep the transparency.

The SEO tools we use are intuitive, mostly accurate, and effective. Some of them are:

  • Uber Suggest: For content creation ideas, Finding new keywords, For finding intent based search keywords, Tracking keyword position on Google 24/7, Finding the technical errors on the website, Competitors analysis, To check the Website visibility trends, etc.,
  • Google Analytics: It’s a must use Free tool for any website and most of the online marketers prefer Google Analytics over any other Analytics tool in the market. Provides high quality, accurate and detailed analytics about website traffic, Traffic sources, Audiences, Demographics, Users behaviour on the website, Exit pages, User Average time spend, etc., more than 100 parameters you can track with Google Analytics.
  • Google Search Console: This tool is very particular for SEOs. Google Search console provides important data as analytics in a simpler way. Linking Search Console with Google Analytics is a must do and shows important metrics about your pages ranking, keyword positions, Web pages indexing, Technical errors in crawling the content, Security Issues, Illegal content, etc., all this data is provided by Google Search Console for Free.
  • MOZ Tools: provides SEO insights and also they have a free Chrome Extension
    MOZ Bar to know the internal and external links, Page Authority and Domain Authority, SEO Score and, Top keywords ranking, Keyword positions, website visibility trends, etc.,
  • Ahrefs: This one has keywords research tools, Backlinks analysis, Onpage SEO report, etc. It has Ahrefs’ SEO toolbar that shows SEO metrics in the Google Search page results.

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