Case Study: Alpha Montessori

Alpha Montessori is a 13-year old private Montessori school located in North Dallas, United States with 2 locations in the Plano and Frisco area in Texas operating since 2007.

Industry: Education - Private Montessori School, United States
Services Provided: Content, PPC, SEO

Campaigns got Good Impression share with targetted Audiences and Remarketing.

Dynamic Search achieved 8.74% CTR with an average CPC of $1.49, and the average CPC of Display campaign was $0.11

Are there specific KPIs, measurements, statistics, or ROI data you can share that clearly demonstrates the value of the solution/service/strategy you provided?

  • 958.75 % Jump in New Visitor Traffic in a period of 4 months since SEO & marketing activities started.
  • About 2775 blog views generated organically in the past 3 months.
  • 324 website visits from Google Maps
  • 289 Request Directions, and
  • 353 calls from Google Maps

The Final Result:

  • Improved website’s ranking from 16th position to Top 3 positions.
  • Improved Google Maps ranking from 12th position to Top 2nd in pack-3 of Google Maps results.
  • Improved website traffic by  967% and generated 37 leads and 145 Prospects in a period of 3 months, i.e from March 2020-May2020.




Alpha Montessori is a 13-year old private Montessori school located in North Dallas, United States with 2 locations in the Plano and Frisco area in Texas operating since 2007. It has been actively pursuing lead generation using Digital marketing media since November 2019. Immersive Radical Digmedia (IRDM) has been at the forefront of this digital campaign managing the online presence for Alpha Montessori with a website, social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & Youtube.

Social Media

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